Namayina Divine Nursery and Primary School - Uganda

Namayina Divine Nursery and Primary School is part of Kisakye Morning Star Ministries International - a Ugandan non-profit organization. Kisakye Morning Star Ministries International has the following guiding vision and mission:.

Vision: To be the most effective ministry in mentoring the young Christian to make the biggest difference for Christ (Matthew 9:36)

Mission: To be at the helm of equipping the young generation with biblical knowledge and virtues to revive the Christian moral fiber of zero tolerance to corruption of the flesh, servanthood leadership, and selfless service to man.

Namayina Divine Nursery and Primary School is a fully registered school.

Godfrey and Justus

I was walking across the compound one evening, heading to the evening church service. I took a shortcut through the jungle. I came across two young men working. They were muddy from head to toe. It didn’t take long for me to understand why they were so dirty. They were taking the clay soil, adding straw and water, and shaping the clay into bricks. Then they were carefully staking the bricks up. When I came by, there must have been a stack of 200 to 300 bricks that they had produced.

I stayed and watched these two young men making bricks for a few minutes and continued on my way. When I got to the church, I asked Pastor Winston about it. He walked back up the hill with me and visited with the boys. Turns out that this is an arrangement that the boys had made with their mother as a way for them to make money so that she could pay for them to go to school the next semester (they couldn’t afford to go to school the current semester). The boys understood that they needed an education if they had any hope of providing for their mother, themselves, and for their families someday.

I wish that our kids here in the USA valued the education that they are provided as much as these two boys do. Shelly and I will make sure that they receive the education that they value. These two boys were the first recipient of a tuition scholarship and were the start of the tuition assistance program.

Unfortunately, too many children in Uganda do not find a way to get an education and will never find a way out of the cycle of poverty.

The Problem

Education In Uganda is Too Expensive for the Typical Family to Afford

There is a high percentage of children in Uganda that are currently not attending school or will drop out of school before completing their primary education due to the cost of attendance and the quality of the public school system.

According to 2019/2020 educational statistics:

  • 20% of children from 6 years to 12 years are not attending primary school.

  • 73% of children from 13 to 18 years are not attending a secondary school. 

  • The adult literacy rate is 73%

  • The average cost of education is 440,000 UGX ($125 per year per child)

  • The cost in the Kampala region is the highest at 1,338,000 UGX ($382 per year per child)

According to 2019/2020 household income statistics:

  • 14.6% of households earned less than 5.0MM UGX per year ($1,429 per year)

  • 70.4% of households in Kampala earned less than 10.0MM UGX ($2,858 per year)

So, family of 5 in the Kampala region would expect to spend 40% of the household income on their children’s education.

How You Can Get Involved

Kelly International Ministries has partnered with Kisakye Morningstar Ministries International (KMMI) to bring quality, Christian based education to the village of Namayina and the surrounding areas that families can afford. The ministry has been an overwhelming success and we need your help to continue the program. In 2017, when the program began there were less than 100 students. The enrollment has doubled every two to three years and in 2025 is expected to be well over 400 students! Praise God! That is 400 lives that have the opportunity to be transformed by learning God’s Word and from breaking the cycle of illiteracy.

There are several ways you can get involved and help support the ministry of Namayina Devine Nursery and Primary School. Current programs include student scholarship programs, school lunch programs and building programs.